Monday, February 28, 2011

Nature vrs Nurture-accidental genius

Some people were born genius in one are but lacks this genius in other functions. This people are called savants and although quite rarely that are very advantageous in one way and disadvantaged in another. Savants occur because while fetus one side of their brain develops easier and faster than the other. This is because of the testosterones which intercept the process of the brain. Having one hemisphere lack functionality causes the opposite hemisphere to explode with ideas and skills. Savants can be also caused by brain damage. The functionality in the left side is more commonly the developed side in savants and tony is an example of a savants but a quite lucky one. George and tony are examples of savants. While George is autistic he can tell you the day of any date in seconds. George is an incredible artist but is obsessed with it and with writing. While they are exceptional in some things they have problems with others. Science has proven that certain abilities can be obtained by stimulating a side of the brain while shutting the other.

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