Monday, February 28, 2011

Nature vrs Nurture-Homosexuality

Debate weather sexuality is nature or nurtured by your environment is a very discussed and controversial topic. Scientist use twins to help them study and prove this controversy. Identical twins have the same genes so their differences can be explained through nurture and environmental affect. Sings of homosexuality can be observed since a very small age. There is a disorder called childhood gender nonconformity were the child acts as their opposite sex. This can be an indication of homosexuality but is not completely necessary. To investigate further scientist study brain, genes and hormones from homosexual people to detect differences in straight people. Experiments on rats determined a theory of gays. This experiment proved male rats can act like female rats if changed hormones that are exposed to birth. His conclusion with this was that homosexuality is not genetic but hormonally. I agree with this theory because it is hormones that enable you to act in certain ways from your sexuality. It has also been proven strangely but true that the more older brothers a man has the more likely that he will become gay. This only works with males and it is because the mother when becoming pregnant her body attacks antibiotics into the “foreign” substance which is her baby and adds hormones to it. This says scientist is only true if the gay is right handed. I believe homosexuality has to do with both environment and a birth. At birth I believe is affected by the hormones but not implanted in the genetic structure. This evolves or even begins mostly by environmental issued and the way it is managed since early age.

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