Monday, February 28, 2011

Nature vrs. Nurture-Born Genius

Is geniuses born with their abilities? It is still not completely proven whether intelligence is natured or nurture. Scientist and physiatrist conclude that musician’s brains work better in some areas than in others. When studying it they observed some areas bigger than common people and this is the areas they use the most to be able to play. A case od a girl who was isolated in a dark room by his father opened an opportunity to scientist form brain study. After being found she had the brain of an 18 month baby having not developed anything a normal 12 year old girl would have had. It is known the brain uses or loses. This means the brain stimulates areas that are used and loses the brain connections of functions that are not stimulated. If these brain connections are lost they can no longer be used. Marx’s in the other hand is an 8 year old boy who could play the piano since 2 years of age. He had not had any practice and without studying a note he could determine his sound. This led to intelligence being born with but he also practiced 8 hours a day reaching perfection. This in the other hands proves it can also be environmental. Genes can give you the advantages and it develops to become genius when it is nurtured.

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